giving support & FAQs

Accountability and integrity are vitally important in every aspect of our church, and it’s no different when it comes to finances. We will always honor your gifts with faithful stewardship, ethical business practices, and transparency so that Neighborhood Church remains beyond reproach.



  • Neighborhood Church is accredited by the Assemblies of God. That means we adhere to high standards of biblical accountability, board governance, financial transparency, integrity in fundraising, and proper use of charitable resources. You are always welcome to contact our team with general questions about our financial practices. To learn more about our standards for financial integrity email us.

  • In Malachi 3:10, God tells us to bring the tithe, which is 10% of our income, to Him. Later, Jesus affirms this in the New Testament.

  • When you give to Neighborhood Church, God does something amazing. The Bible tells us He multiplies your gifts and does more with it than any of us could ask or imagine. Your tithe becomes part of God’s plan to equip the local church to do His work here on earth. He also allows you to be a part of all He is doing in your community and around the world through local and global missions partners. Know that we honor your gifts with faithful stewardship, ethical business practices, and full accountability so that the financial integrity of Neighborhood Church remains beyond reproach.

  • The easiest and best way to give is through the our online giving portal at You can make a gift, schedule your giving, and review your online giving history all in one place. 

  • Yes! Neighborhood Church is called to be a mission-minded church. Each year Neighborhood Church gives to ministries, projects, and relief efforts beyond our church in local communities, across the nation, and around the world. We want to be a blessing to others by giving back. We want to be Kingdom Builders. Visit to give to Kingdom Builders today. 

  • Giving statements are distributed at the end of each year. If you would like a copy of your giving statement or have questions about your giving history, just let us know at and we’ll be happy to help!

  • The most cost-effective method of giving to Neighborhood Church is using your bank's bill-pay procedure. This method is free to you at most banks and does not include a charge to the church which allows us to put more of your gift to work in ministry. You can also use the “bank account” or ACH Bank Transfer option. Additionally, should you desire, you can still place your offering in a giving envelope and drop it in the giving box in the church lobby or drop it by the Church Office at 2800 Geary St. Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm.